California Consumer Privacy Rights Notice

Effective on January 1, 2024

Lobox and its affiliates always respect the personal data of users and external users. In this regard, Lobox and its affiliates commit to protecting the personal data of their users or external users. Legal formations and publications about "data protection" worldwide are followed by Lobox and its affiliates. Lobox and its affiliates base their practices on the CALIFORNIA CONSUMER PRIVACY RIGHTS NOTICE, Community Policies, and Privacy Policy. Additionally, Lobox enables the broadest and most reliable comprehensive legal protection for its users or external users. Regarding the collection, use, and sharing of personal data, the CALIFORNIA CONSUMER PRIVACY RIGHTS NOTICE makes its statements in accordance with the "California Consumer Privacy Act". This notice provides users or external users with rights and provisions detailed and explained in the privacy policy as follows:

  1. What personal data does Lobox and its affiliates collect?

  2. How do Lobox and its affiliates obtain personal data?

  3. How do Lobox and its affiliates use personal data?

  4. Who do Lobox and its affiliates share your personal data with?

  5. How do Lobox and its affiliates protect your personal data?

  6. How do Lobox and its affiliates use cookies, tracking, and similar technologies?

  7. What rights do you have regarding your personal data as a user and external user?

  8. How can you contact Lobox and its affiliates?


When a user or external user discloses personal data to Lobox and its affiliates by clicking on the Lobox application, registering for the Lobox application, accessing the Lobox application, or using the services of the Lobox application, they consent to the processing of their personal data in accordance with this notice. While collecting personal data from users or external users, in some cases, Lobox and its affiliates may have the right to grant or deny permission regarding the use of the collected personal data. However, Lobox and its affiliates never sell the personal data they collect. Users have various options regarding permissions related to their personal data, but above all, the user or external user must have explicit consent and declaration regarding whether their personal data can be shared in accordance with the notice.


For detailed information about which personal data are collected by Lobox and its affiliates and how these personal data are collected, you can review the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. The types of personal data collected by Lobox and its affiliates are explained in the table below. Generally, the types of personal information listed in the table below are retained as long as the user keeps their account open and it is necessary for the Lobox application to provide services to the user.

Types of personal data as specified in the notice

Sources of personal data collection

Real name, surname, nickname, email address, physical address, unique personal identifiers (e.g., user ID or account number), online identifiers (e.g., cookies or pixels), Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, usernames, telephone numbers, and other similar identifiers

Personal information provided directly by users or external users, or through business partners, along with information obtained from information providers used to support and enhance advertisement delivery, and other Lobox users, can be used for the purpose of targeting and personalizing advertisements. 


Information about demographic characteristics such as age and gender of the user or external user, as well as other classification characteristics protected by California laws or federal laws. These characteristics may also include factors such as ethnic origin, marital status, or income level

In addition to personal information provided directly by the user or external user, there are insights obtained by Lobox and information received from other Lobox customers. These data can be used to improve Lobox's services and personalize the user experience.

Sensitive personal information, data generated when communicating over Lobox services, messages, data used to securely maintain a Lobox account, login information or identity card details, and data about race or ethnic origin

Direct communication or contacts made through Lobox's services may include personal information provided by the user or external user. These contacts can occur for various purposes such as updating account information, conveying requests, or asking questions about services. Additionally, interactions with Lobox's business partners and other users may also lead to the sharing of personal information.

Personal information specified in California laws includes name, surname, address, telephone number, educational background, work experience, credit card details, bank card details, and similar information

Information received directly or from customers, business partners, or other users is evaluated along with the personal information provided by users or external users as a result of their interactions with the services.

Internet and electronic network activity information includes the activities and interactions users conduct online

Transactions conducted on Lobox services include various features aimed at enhancing security and preventing fraud. These features encompass autofill, tracking, and the "Apply with Your Lobox Account" option. Additionally, the transactions of Lobox users, as well as those of partners and customers using technologies like the Lobox Insight Tag or similar, are also covered. This information is analyzed to enhance Lobox's security and improve user experience, contributing to the development of services.

Audio, electronic, visual, or similar data include information transmitted or shared by users or external users through Lobox services

This information includes data received directly from customers or business partners, as well as personal information transmitted through services or provided by users and external users.

Results obtained from the analysis of data derived from users' behaviors

Information received directly from customers, business partners, or other users, along with personal information provided by users while using Lobox services, refers to data obtained during interactions with the services. This information can provide valuable insights about users' activities, preferences, and other relevant details, and can assist Lobox in improving its services.

The use and importance of location data

Personal information provided directly by users or external users, or through business partners, is a vital resource for improving Lobox's services and optimizing user experience. This information helps Lobox serve its target audience more effectively and respond better to user needs. Additionally, the analysis of this information allows Lobox to strengthen its security measures and prevent fraud. Therefore, the personal information provided by users contributes to Lobox remaining an evolving platform and ensuring the security of its users.

Professional or employment-related information includes details about users' work experiences, skills, and professional histories

Information received directly from customers, business partners, or other users is often collected for marketing purposes or to enhance user experience. This information is used to understand users' preferences, behaviors, and needs. For example, it can be utilized to create content tailored to the target audience or to offer personalized promotions. Additionally, this information can be used to gather feedback during the product and service development process. Therefore, information obtained directly or from other sources can be a valuable asset in supporting businesses' customer relationship management and marketing strategies.

Commercial information and activities on Lobox

When "Lobox Premium" is purchased, along with the personal information provided by the user, there are also transactions related to Lobox services, as well as information obtained from partners and Lobox customers. This information can be used for managing the user's account and providing Lobox services.

Information based on the behaviors and preferences of group users, provided for commercial gain derived from activities within the groups

The information obtained from these activities may include factors such as group users' interests, purchasing history, interactions, and participation within the group. This enables marketing strategies and product recommendations to be tailored more effectively to group users, thereby increasing sales and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Reactions given by the audience to shares such as newspapers and articles, indicators reflecting users' interaction with the content, typically including likes, comments, shares, and similar actions

These reactions indicate the impact of the content on the audience and their level of interest. Additionally, how content providers respond to audience feedback is crucial. For example, increasing interaction with viewers can be achieved through practices such as responding to user comments or editing content to encourage more engagement, thereby improving content quality. This feedback shapes content creators' strategies and Lobox's recommendation dynamics, ensuring better alignment with audience expectations.

Information obtained during the recruitment process, responses to job openings, and qualification details of applicants

Employers identify suitable candidates by evaluating applications submitted for job postings and the qualifications of applicants. Responses to job postings provide employers with information to expand their pool of candidates and select the most suitable ones. Additionally, how candidates respond to job postings and how original their job applications are help employers assess the motivation, interest, and fit of candidates. Lobox's ability to aggregate and interpret this information assists employers in managing the recruitment process more efficiently and effectively.

Data obtained from services provided by service providers and information acquired during the fulfillment and management processes of these services

Lobox's information processing and routing tools assist service providers in reaching customers more effectively and delivering their services with higher quality. This data enables service providers to better understand customer needs and tailor their services accordingly. Additionally, customer feedback and service usage data serve as valuable resources for service providers to enhance their services and increase customer satisfaction. As a result, service providers can offer their customers a more personalized and effective experience.

The information provided to reach customers through campaigns is based on customers' preferences and behaviors

This information may include customers' demographic characteristics, purchase history, interests, and their responses to campaigns. As a result, campaigns can be made more effective, leading to increased customer engagement and loyalty.

Data encompassing customer expectations and feedback is integral to all types of product sales

Customer feedback is a crucial source for evaluating the quality, usability, and satisfaction level of products. This feedback can guide businesses in their product development processes and enable them to make strategic changes to better respond to customer demands. Additionally, customer expectations and feedback play a significant role in determining marketing and sales strategies and implementing customer relationship management practices to enhance customer satisfaction. These data help businesses gain a competitive advantage and establish long-term customer relationships.

The educational content provided in our training modules, along with the impressions, feedback, and reactions of individuals participating in these trainings, constitute valuable data obtained during the education process

This data is utilized to assess the effectiveness of educational programs, enhance content, and better meet the needs of participants. Furthermore, feedback is crucial for staying abreast of developments in the field of education and keeping educational materials up to date. Lobox will use this information to improve the quality of education and better manage the educational process. Reaction data regarding training topics and services is employed to enhance the quality of educational programs, ensure participant satisfaction, and improve educational outcomes. These data enable educational managers to make strategic decisions and continuously enhance educational programs.


Although personal data is shared by Lobox and its affiliated companies within the scope of the notification, this does not mean that the data is sold. The applications and categories of shared data are given in the table above. In exceptional cases, it is a fundamental principle not to share sensitive personal information.

Users of Lobox and its affiliated companies can visit the user settings mentioned above and choose to opt out of sharing. Additionally, users of Lobox and its affiliated companies can evaluate their user options and choose to opt out. The situations in which users opt out may vary depending on the browser used. Furthermore, when a "Global Privacy Signal" is received from a user or an external user, Lobox automatically opts out the relevant user or external user.

According to the notification, it is mandatory to explain the types of personal data for business purposes and that this data will be shared.

Lobox can disclose personal information in accordance with the privacy policy stated for offering Lobox services, aligned with the operational goals of the Lobox application. If users communicate with other users, personal information can be shared following the user's instructions.

The types of personal information shown in the table above can be disclosed to Lobox’s business partners, service providers, and affiliated companies for verification audits and operations. The types of personal information in the table above can be disclosed to Lobox and/or its business partners, service providers, and affiliated companies for detecting violations of community rules, security-related situations, or applicable laws, and for preventing and investigating such breaches and non-compliant behaviors, or for the security of services.

The types of personal information listed in the table above can be disclosed to Lobox’s business partners, service providers, and affiliated companies for detecting errors in Lobox services, troubleshooting, updates, technological advancements, and to better serve users and external users. Additionally, the types of personal information listed in the table above can be disclosed to Lobox’s service providers for the purposes stated in a written contract to perform services or to respond to authorized judicial authorities as permitted under the notification.

To the extent permitted by the notification, the types of personal information listed in the table above can be disclosed for marketing and advertising purposes to Lobox’s business partners, service providers, and affiliated companies.


Personal information provided by users to Lobox can be processed. When this information is transmitted to or accessed by Lobox, various security measures are applied. These measures are intended to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure of users' information.

You can find detailed information in our Privacy Policy. Our privacy policy explains in detail the methods of processing, protecting, and using users' personal information. It also includes information on how users can access their personal data and how this data can be updated.


When visitors enter Lobox, Lobox and its affiliated companies use "Cookies" to identify areas. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your computer or mobile device by your web browser. These cookies are used by Lobox and its affiliated companies to personalize the content seen and aim to provide a better experience for visitors.

Most web browsers can be set to disable the use of cookies. However, if cookies are disabled, proper access to Lobox services may not be possible or access to Lobox may be unavailable. As an important note, personal identifying information is never placed in cookies, and visitors' privacy is always protected.

You can find more detailed information on our cookie policy page. This page covers topics such as how cookies are used, what types of cookies are used, and how visitors can manage their Cookie Policies.


  • Right to Information and Request: Users can request a copy of their personal information from Lobox and its affiliated companies. To the extent provided in the notification, within the last 12 months, the types of personal information collected and the reasons why this personal data was collected, where the personal information was collected from, the issue of sharing personal data for business purposes, who the disclosed third parties are, and the purpose of sharing the personal information can also be requested by Lobox. If access to Lobox is provided without being a user, i.e., as an “external user,” information requests can be conveyed from here.

  • Right to Correction: Through the Lobox account, all users can edit their personal information and can request assistance from Lobox on this matter.

  • Right to Deletion: Any user can accomplish this by closing their Lobox account or requesting the deletion of their personal data from Lobox. Except for exceptions such as detecting, preventing, investigating security-related issues, complying with laws, detecting errors, remediation, or ensuring another user's freedom of expression or legal rights, such requests are considered by Lobox if the information is necessary for the completion of the transaction for which the information was collected or for a contract.

  • Children’s Data Right: The notification asks to inform whether personal information of consumers under the age of 16 is shared or sold. As Lobox, there is no knowledge of personal information of consumers under the age of 16 being sold or shared. The services of Lobox and its affiliated companies cannot be used by individuals under the age of 16 as stated in the User Agreement. Lobox does not knowingly provide services to individuals under 16.

  • Annual Notification Measurements: Access to Lobox CCPA measurements for reviewing the measurements required by last calendar year’s CCPA regulations can be found here.

  • Right to Limit Use of Sensitive Personal Information: As explained above, under the notification, the use or disclosure of sensitive personal information can be limited for legal purposes defined by law, but since Lobox uses and discloses sensitive personal information only for the purposes in the notification, there is no need for an opt-out preference.

  • Notification Right: Lobox informs about the collection of new types of personal data under the notification and its use for different purposes.

  • Right to Non-Discrimination: Under the notification, “discrimination” is prohibited. Applying different prices or rates for services, stopping services, providing services at different levels or qualities, or receiving products or services of different level or quality in case of exercising rights are considered discriminatory.

  • Right to Opt-Out of Sharing: Instructions can be given to Lobox not to share personal information as explained above.

  • Right to Opt-Out of Sales: Despite having this right under the notification, Lobox and its affiliated companies do not sell personal data.


According to this notification, Lobox is responsible as the data controller for the processing of personal data.

You can reach Lobox by sending an email to or you can send mail to 1250 Wigwam Parkway, Unit: 14312, Henderson, NV, 89074, USA.


Lobox reserves the right to modify the notice from time to time in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. This flexibility ensures that Lobox continuously complies with data protection standards and provides the most up-to-date information. When any changes are made, updates will be published on this page.

In case of significant changes in the way Personal Data is used, users will be informed through a notification via a separate heading related to the “CALIFORNIA CONSUMER PRIVACY RIGHTS NOTICE.” This notification ensures actions are taken in accordance with the principles of transparency and accountability, allowing users easy access to the latest information.

The date when this notice was last revised is indicated at the top of the page. Thus, users can quickly access the latest updates and make informed decisions based on current data.

Effective from Friday, May 9, 2022.

The CCPA Regulations conducted by the California Attorney General's Office have made it mandatory for certain businesses to annually disclose their responses to consumer requests under the CCPA. This regulation aims to make companies more transparent and accountable regarding consumer requests.

This notice includes Lobox's CCPA-specific measurements for the 2024 calendar year. Lobox commits to taking necessary measures to evaluate and improve the process of meeting consumer requests.

These measurements show the number of CCPA-related requests received by Lobox, particularly those requested by individuals. This enables Lobox to respond to users' data requests more quickly and effectively.

Lobox aims to provide users with more control over their data by enabling their rights to access and delete data. For instance, most completed requests, such as those completed using Lobox's automatic data download feature, do not include data about most completed requests. This allows users to manage their data securely and transparently.


Complied with

Partially Complied with


Response Time (Days)

Information Requests






Deletion Requests




