Cookie Policy

Effective on January 1, 2024

For Lobox and its affiliated companies, being transparent, ensuring the security of personal data, and providing accurate and clear information to users and external users are primary targets, especially as stated in the principles mentioned in our community rules. The cookie policy, like other policies, is applicable to all products and services offered by Lobox. As Lobox, various data collection techniques are used on the website, Lobox applications, and other digital tools to enhance the experiences of users and external users and to deliver Lobox services more effectively. These techniques include Cookies, Session Cookies, and Persistent Cookies, Tracking Pixels, Local Storage and Web Storage methods, Mobile Device Identifiers, Activity Trackers, and Beacon Technology, among others. All these methods are used as stated in the privacy policy and are detailed in this policy.

As a natural or legal person, when you click on Lobox or similar expressions, register with Lobox, access, or use Lobox services, you consent to the use of the technologies specified in this policy for the purposes stated herein.

Cookies: Cookies are small files placed on a device, essential for the operation and features of the Lobox platform. Every browser visiting Lobox can receive cookies from Lobox or from third parties such as partners, advertisers, and service providers. When visiting sites outside Lobox, pages that display Lobox ads or contain Lobox widgets or Lobox codes, Lobox or the aforementioned third parties may place cookies on your browser. For example, by saving users' or external users' site preferences, a more personalized experience is provided to the user or external user on their next visit. Additionally, when a user or external user selects a language preference, this information is stored in a cookie, and when the user or external user returns to the site, the site automatically displays in the preferred language.

Session Cookies: Session cookies are used to temporarily store information during a single session of a user or external user on the website. These cookies are automatically deleted when the user closes the browser. The session cookies used in Lobox are active only during the current web session and typically cover a single visit to Lobox or a browser session. These cookies are designed to provide a personalized and consistent user experience throughout the session and are automatically deleted when the browser is closed.

Persistent Cookies: Persistent cookies are used to store the preferences of users or external users for an extended period and are automatically deleted after a set duration. This ensures that the preferences of users or external users are remembered on every visit to Lobox. In other words, they remain active on the device even after the session has ended, thus recognizing that the user or external user has previously logged into Lobox. This feature reduces the hassle of logging in again when re-entering Lobox and makes the usage experience smoother. Since these cookies are retained in the browser, they can be recognized by Lobox when returning to the site or visiting other sites that integrate Lobox services.

Tracking Pixels: These tracking points are tiny graphic elements located in Lobox and in email communications, sending signals to Lobox servers from these sources. These cookies provide information about the device and visit. This technology is used to understand how much interaction is shown by the user or external user to advertisements or Lobox content. Tracking points allow both Lobox and collaborating third parties to place cookies on the browser, thereby helping to further personalize the user experience. Additionally, this helps to understand how users respond to emails sent by Lobox. When Lobox sends a promotional email, these pixels inform Lobox which user opened the email and clicked on the links within, thus shaping future communication strategies more effectively.

Local Storage: Local storage is a system also used by websites or mobile applications at Lobox. However, Lobox does not commit to storing or displaying information and content published by the user or external user. Lobox allows the user to personalize their personal features, remembers the preferences of the user or external user, and makes the use of Lobox faster. As a result, whenever users and external users open the application, the preferences and progress from previous sessions are preserved. This concept can be diversified according to the usage areas specified below.

  • User Session Management: Websites can use local storage to manage user sessions. This allows them to store data such as login information and authentication details during user sessions.

  • Storing User Preferences: Websites can store user preferences such as language and theme using local storage and offer content based on these preferences.

  • Offline Usability: Local storage can provide offline usability by storing website content on the user's device. Users can access some content even without an internet connection.

  • Form Data History: Web forms can store information previously filled out by users using local storage. This prevents users from having to enter the same information repeatedly.

  • Data Caching: Websites can enhance performance by caching frequently accessed data in local storage. This enables pages to load faster.

  • Authentication and Remembering: By storing users' credentials or session keys using local storage, automatic login processes can be facilitated.

  • Web Storage: Similar to local storage, web storage is used to store data in users' browsers. Web storage can store more complex data structures and offers more security and a greater storage capacity compared to cookies. In Lobox, two primary web storage methods can be used to store data in users' browsers:

    • Local Storage: Local Storage is a type of web storage method that can be used to store data in users' browsers. This method involves data that is permanently stored in the browser. When a user visits a website, they can access and update the data stored in Local Storage. This feature can be used to preserve and utilize users' preferences, session information, or other specific data.

    • Session Storage: Session Storage is another web storage method that allows users to temporarily store data in their browsers. This data is only valid during the user session and is automatically deleted when the session ends. Session Storage is ideal for storing temporary information during navigation. It is used to maintain information valid throughout the user session and to easily access this information.

  • Mobile Device Identifiers: Mobile device identifiers allow for the tracking of users' in-app behaviors, enabling the delivery of personalized advertisements and content. If a user spends time in a specific product category, these identifiers can be used to display advertisements that are relevant to the user's interests.

  • Activity Trackers: These trackers monitor specific actions on the website, such as clicks and page scrolling by users. This data is used to analyze user interaction and optimize the website.

  • Beacon Technology: Beacons are used with mobile applications to track users' physical locations. This technology is often utilized in retail stores or at events to personalize the user experience.

Similar to the cookies mentioned above, Lobox can also use tracking technologies such as mobile advertising identifiers and tags.

How Does Lobox Use These Technologies?

Cookies and similar technologies also help remember browser settings and preferences. This way, the same preferences do not need to be entered again with each visit. All these technologies make Lobox more user-friendly and help make its use more effective.

  • Technically speaking:

    • User Session Management: Websites can use local storage to manage user sessions.

    • User Access: Storing refresh tokens on the user side.

    • User Access: Storing refresh tokens in business portals.

    • Storing the selected page in a business project.

    • User's language selection.

    • User's dark theme selection.

    • User device identifier.

    • Some cookies that indicate the user has completed the registration process.

    • For routing after opening in business portals.

    • Session cookies for security purposes, so the user does not need to log in on every visit.

    • User personal preferences, such as website settings.

    • By third parties and service providers.

  • Security: Cookies and similar technologies are used by Lobox to enhance its performance and ensure security. Specifically, cookies are used to improve and maintain security measures, protect user accounts, and detect malicious activities and violations of the Terms of Service Agreement.

  • Authentication: As mentioned above, Lobox also uses cookies for authentication purposes. This is important to ensure that users can securely log in to the platform and protect their accounts. Cookies are used to maintain user sessions and verify identities on the platform. This way, users can securely access their accounts and be assured that their identities are protected.

  • Platform Features: Lobox services use cookies and similar technologies to enhance their various features and functionalities. These technologies are specifically used for the following purposes:

    • Easily Filling Forms: As mentioned above, cookies assist in quickly and easily filling out forms provided by Lobox. If user login information or communication preferences have been previously submitted to Lobox, cookies remember this information, allowing transactions to be completed without needing to resubmit them.

    • Personalizing Features and Insights: Cookies and similar technologies help personalize Lobox services based on how they are used. Cookies ascertain the user's preferred language and communication preferences. Consequently, Lobox can offer content and features that are more suitable for the user.

    • Enhancing Speed and Performance: Cookies are used in local storage methods to increase the speed of Lobox. This allows for faster website loading and provides a smoother user experience.

  • Content Delivery: To customize experiences on Lobox and provide a more personalized service, cookies and similar technologies are utilized by Lobox. These technologies are used for purposes such as the following:

    • Enhancing the Experience: Cookies and similar technologies help make the use of Lobox more understandable. By discerning which content users prefer or how they navigate, Lobox can offer a better experience to its users or external users.

    • Remembering Searches: Cookies help remember previous searches. Thus, when returning to Lobox, additional information related to topics previously searched by the user or of interest to the user can be provided. This allows for access to more personalized and meaningful content by the user or external user.

  • Enhancements: Cookies and similar technologies are used to make Lobox more functional and user-friendly, both internally and externally. These technologies are utilized by Lobox for the following purposes:

    • In-Platform and External Enhancements: Lobox plugins such as "Apply" or "Share" are activated within Lobox or on the websites of business partners. These plugins, while offering users more job opportunities or content sharing options, use cookies and similar technologies to recognize the user and analyze their interactions with the plugins.

    • User Recognition and Acceleration: Plugins can use cookies to recognize users and process their interactions more efficiently. For example, when a user clicks the "Apply" button, the plugin recognizes the user and quickly processes the application. This makes the usage experience faster and more efficient. The plugins used in Lobox help provide a more interactive and useful experience for users, while Lobox also aims to offer better service through cookies and similar technologies.

  • Advertisements: Cookies and similar technologies help facilitate more effective delivery of advertisements both within and outside of Lobox, as well as measure the performance of ads. Through these technologies, data such as advertising identifiers, IP addresses, operating systems, and browser information may be collected from the user's device while using Lobox or obtained from other sources. Lobox uses this data for the following purposes:

    • Advertisement Effectiveness: Cookies help measure the effectiveness of advertisements shown to users. This technology is used by Lobox to determine metrics such as the click-through rate of ads or the subsequent actions of individuals who view the ads, such as making a purchase. The data collected aids in better understanding the usage of Lobox and interactions. This enables Lobox to provide users with better service.

    • Personalized Content: Cookies are used to provide users with personalized content and advertisements both within and outside of Lobox while navigating. This enables offering users more relevant content based on their interests and previous interactions. Personal data helps improve the performance of Lobox services and better understand the user experience, allowing for the delivery of more relevant advertisements tailored to the user's interests. Consequently, advertisements can be more meaningful and engaging for the user, thus continuously improving Lobox services and offerings.

    • Partners and Service Providers: Partners and service providers may use cookies to measure the effectiveness of advertisements and provide better services. Specifically, they can utilize these technologies to display ads within or outside of Lobox after visiting a partner website. Cookies and similar technologies used within and outside of Lobox are employed for purposes such as advertising effectiveness, personalized content, and collaboration with partners. These technologies provide valuable insights to Lobox and its partners on how to more effectively deliver advertisements and content.

  • Analytics: Lobox utilizes cookies and similar technologies to better understand the performance and functionality of Lobox for users. These technologies are used for the following purposes:

    • Product and Service Enhancement: Lobox and its partners use these technologies to understand how users interact with Lobox from different devices, browsers, and locations, aiming to improve Lobox's performance. This makes Lobox more user-friendly and efficient.

    • Advertisement and Post Performance: Cookies help understand the performance of advertisements and posts on Lobox. This aids in better optimizing ad campaigns and providing users with more engaging content.

    • User Interaction Analysis: These technologies help analyze how users interact with Lobox content, enabling analysis based on these interactions. This allows for the improvement of content and features to enhance the user experience.

    • Bulk Information Provision: Cookies and similar technologies can be used to provide bulk information to customers and partners about the usage of Lobox. Lobox may continue to use cookies and similar technologies during interactions with users, even after closing a session and logging out of a browser, to provide additional information. This is done to create usage analytics and improve the platform, and these analyses can be shared in bulk.

Who Uses These Technologies?

In Lobox, partners, various suppliers, and customers play a significant role in ensuring the platform operates smoothly and efficiently while enhancing the user experience. Partners support and expand various services offered by Lobox. Similarly, suppliers provide technical services to update Lobox's infrastructure and add new features. These partners, suppliers, and customers contribute to expanding Lobox's user base and enhancing the user experience on the platform.

  1. Third Parties, Suppliers, and Customers: Lobox may collaborate with business partners, suppliers, and customers when providing its services. These third parties, vendors, and customers may utilize technologies such as cookies to enhance Lobox, conduct marketing activities, and perform analyses.

  2. Cookie Usage: Third parties and vendors may conduct their own marketing activities both within and outside of Lobox using cookies. They can personalize the user experience by employing cookies on Lobox pages, job listings, and advertisements.

  3. Off-Platform Services: Additionally, these third parties and vendors may utilize cookies concerning features like Lobox's off-platform services, advertising services, plugins, and tags. This could contribute to more effective delivery of Lobox services and enhancement of user experience.

  4. Collaboration and Analysis: By collaborating with third parties and vendors, Lobox can achieve its marketing objectives and conduct analysis and research on Lobox services. These collaborations aim to provide better services and a superior experience for users.

In conclusion, Lobox leverages various technologies to enhance user experience and improve marketing activities through collaboration with third parties and vendors.

Purposes of Cookie Data Collection

Cookies and similar technologies are utilized for various purposes such as understanding users' online behaviors and preferences, enhancing user experience, implementing security measures, and improving Lobox. For instance, cookies enable the identification of which features garner more interest and help in comprehending how users interact within Lobox. This information aids in providing users with a better experience by enhancing the understanding of Lobox services. Additionally, cookies allow for the recognition of users for security purposes and management of authorization processes. Depending on the purpose of data collection, cookies may be stored and analyzed for different durations.

Managing Cookies

At Lobox, users and external users are provided with the option to manage how cookies and similar technologies are utilized. Determining these preferences may entail restricting the use of cookies and similar technologies. However, this circumstance implies that personalization cannot be carried out for the user, which could adversely affect the overall user experience. Particularly, it should be noted that rejecting cookies may result in certain websites not functioning properly. Not saving personalized settings may lead to the non-retention of specific preferences, such as login information.

Disabling Ad Targeting

Lobox is a platform that consistently respects privacy and user preferences and settings. As stated in the Privacy Policy, personalized ad targeting is at the discretion of the user. This allows ads to better align with the user's interests and behaviors.

Within Lobox, there are various preference options available to users to customize their ad experiences. Users can choose whether ads are displayed based on personal data or general areas of interest.

Furthermore, adjusting or changing preferences regarding ad targeting is extremely easy when desired. This enables the continuous personalization of the ad experience, allowing users to select what suits them best.

Lobox is delighted to offer these options to help users better understand and control their ad experience. Lobox continually works towards providing better privacy and ad experiences.

Cookie Control on the Browser

Lobox places great importance on user privacy and allows users to control cookies through their browser settings. Cookies can be managed with specific controls found in the browser settings section.

Most modern browsers offer options to accept or reject cookies, or accept only certain types of cookies. This helps users customize their online experiences. While some users may choose to accept all cookies, others may prefer to accept only the necessary ones.

Additionally, browsers typically allow for a more detailed examination of how cookies work and preferably the deletion of specific cookies. This enables users to better understand which websites use which cookies.

For more information on browser controls, please visit the official website of the browser used or refer to the browser's help documentation. This way, you can better understand how cookies work and manage privacy more effectively. At Lobox, we respect and support users in personalizing their online experiences through these controls.

What is Do Not Track (DNT)?

Do Not Track (DNT) is a signal sent by internet users through their web browsers. This signal expresses the user's desire for their online activities not to be tracked or targeted for personalized ads. The DNT signal is used to specify the user's privacy preferences.

However, the DNT signal is not uniformly treated by all websites and online services. Some websites and services may choose not to track the user's online activities or provide personalized ads based on the DNT signal. However, others may ignore this signal and continue to track the user's activities and provide personalized ads. Lobox generally behaves in this manner as well.

In conclusion, the DNT signal can help users express their privacy preferences, but each website or service may treat the DNT signal differently. Users can control their privacy preferences and limit online tracking by adjusting their browser settings.