User Agreement for Business

Effective on January 1, 2024

Every individual and legal entity accessing Lobox or benefiting from the services offered by Lobox is deemed to have accepted the following terms of use and Lobox Policies. Please read the following conditions if you intend to use Lobox as a business page:

When you create a business page in the Lobox application and use its services as an administrator, you legally bind the organization represented by the business page to a contract with Lobox. The administrator declares and guarantees that they are authorized to sign and represent the business entity. If you do not wish to enter into this contract or become a party to it, do not access the business services of the Lobox application as described above; do not register as an administrator, do not create an administrator profile for a business page, and do not request or continue to be an administrator.

When significant changes are made to this agreement by Lobox, a notification is sent through the services, published, or the other party is given the opportunity to review these changes before they take effect, provided they are not retroactive. If you object to these changes, you may terminate the contract. Otherwise, continuing to use the services after a notification of the changes has been published or sent for your review means you accept the updated contract terms.

Termination of this agreement by the administrator or organization does not imply that Lobox waives the right to enforce this agreement. Neither party has the authority to obligate the other or to establish any liabilities or responsibilities on behalf of the other. An employee of one party, under no circumstance, is considered an employee of the other party. The contract does not establish any partnership, agency relationship, or joint venture between the parties. For the provision of its services, Lobox must collect and use the other party’s information, as detailed in the Privacy Policy, which explains how Lobox collects, uses, or shares this information. To use Lobox, you must accept the User Agreement, Privacy Policy, and other policies.


This agreement is made between Lobox and the business entity represented by the business page created by the administrator on their behalf and account.


Page: The page enabled by Lobox to be created by an administrator for businesses to use Lobox services.

Administrator: The person who registers with or is added to Lobox to create a page on behalf of a business and to use Lobox services on behalf of and for the account of that business. Learn more about administrators and their roles.

Organization: The business represented through the Page. The business can be a legal entity or a sole proprietorship.


There must be at least one defined administrator for the business page.

Every business page administrator must be a registered user of Lobox with accurate and up-to-date information. The organization's identity must be accurately reflected on the business page by the administrator.

The administrator agrees to promptly update any changes in the organization's name resulting from mergers, acquisitions, or other restructurings, or for any other reasons.


The content of the business page must be maintained professionally and accurately by the organization. The business services used by the organization should only be used to depict and promote the relevant organization. The organization must publish only truthful content that does not violate others' rights and must conduct business legally in accordance with applicable laws. All actions on the business page, including those made by the administrator, must comply with all applicable laws.


The organization commits to adhering to all applicable legal regulations, rules, and Lobox policies when collecting, using, or processing personal data of users. When processing data obtained directly from Lobox services, through third-party applications integrated with Lobox's APIs, or otherwise, the organization processing these data asserts and guarantees that it has a lawful basis for such processing and that all processes comply with all laws. The organization is required to clearly inform the users and obtain their explicit consent when necessary. The organization and its authorities are responsible for the processing of this data, including any secondary uses, disclosures, or transfers.

If the business page is created within a jurisdiction where GDPR is recognized, Lobox provides the organization with page analytics while creating information for the business page or processing personal data. Consequently, both the organization and Lobox act as joint controllers for the purposes of GDPR in terms of page analytics. Lobox processes users' personal data to transmit page information to the organization when a user visits or interacts with a page belonging to the organization. Specifically, Lobox will process data such as job function, country, industry, seniority, company size, and employment status from users' profiles, and how a user interacts with the organization's page. This data processing uses insight tags. Lobox processes and stores your personal data in accordance with the User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

Statistics provided to the organization by Lobox consist of aggregate data. Lobox, implementing appropriate technical measures, also ensures the security of processing user data and providing page statistics. In terms of providing page statistics, Lobox accepts responsibility under GDPR, agreeing to comply with all its obligations under GDPR including but not limited to Articles 12-22 and 32-34. The responsibilities outlined by Lobox include informing other users about the processed data and ensuring that users' rights to access and delete are preserved.

Lobox retains full discretion on how to comply with its joint controller obligations. However, the organization and everyone related to the organization must comply with all applicable legal obligations, including those arising within the scope of GDPR, regarding the use of page statistics. If a data subject or supervisory authority contacts the organization regarding the processing of page statistics and/or organizational obligations under GDPR, the organization is obliged to notify Lobox immediately and under all circumstances. The organization is obligated to provide all information required by Lobox. Lobox will respond to requests from the organization considering obligations under GDPR and relevant laws. In this situation, the organization must demonstrate the necessary effort.


When using candidate creation forms on the business page, organizations are obligated to include a link to their Privacy Policy if they are enabling Lobox users to send their contact and other information. Data submitted via event registration forms by the organization can only be used for legally accepted purposes agreed upon by registered Lobox users. In the registration forms, it is prohibited for the organization to ask questions that solicit sensitive data such as a person's race, ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, union membership; data concerning health or sexual orientation; information about legal offenses; government-issued ID card numbers; login and password details; financial account information, and data concerning individuals under the age of 16.

Form information is generally provided by Lobox to the organization or authorized third party for a period of 90 days. Lobox reserves the right to reject any question on the forms. However, copying and storing the form information on behalf of the organization is the responsibility of the organization or the authorized third party.

The use of form information by the organization, linked to the Privacy Policy associated with candidate creation forms, is dependent on the privacy expectations of the registering Lobox user, applicable laws, these rules, and permissions obtained through event registration forms. The information may even be shared with a service provider acting on behalf of the organization. Nonetheless, ensuring that these individuals comply with this agreement and restricting their use of the form information on behalf of the organization is the organization’s responsibility.

Under no circumstances can form data be sold by the organization or an authorized third party acting on behalf of the organization. This information cannot be used for illegal purposes, nor can such use be allowed. If any individual revokes their consent to provide contact information or requests the deletion of their form information, the organization must comply with this request.



The organization declares and warrants that it has all necessary rights related to the content it provides to Lobox and grants Lobox a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license to use, copy, modify, distribute, and publish such content. This consent continues to be effective for the content provided before termination, even after the termination of this agreement.


The organization may provide suggestions or feedback to Lobox, and Lobox may use and share this feedback for any purpose free of charge. However, sharing any data related to metrics or user demographics is prohibited. Lobox reserves all intellectual property rights in its business services.


Actions or identities of any administrators on the business page can be viewed by users, other administrators of the business page, or others. Lobox reserves the right to unilaterally suspend any administrator’s access to and management of business services, modify or terminate any service. Lobox retains the right to remove any business page in the business services, including all or part of the content of the business page, at any time without notice.

Lobox may restrict any name changes by the organization; it can change the organization's name or determine how name changes are represented in profiles and other references to the organization in Lobox services. Lobox is not obligated to publish any information or content in the business services and may completely remove such information and content. Lobox has no obligation to definitively fulfill any changes, mergers, or other requests. Additionally, Lobox has no obligation to store, preserve, or provide a copy of any information or content submitted to it.


Without Lobox’s prior written consent, the organization or administrators may not partially or fully transfer this agreement. Any attempt to transfer without compliance is invalid. The agreement is binding for the parties and will be interpreted in favor of the permitted assignees of the respective successors.

Termination by the organization can be effected by removing all administrators from the page, disabling the page, closing the sole administrator's Lobox account, and notifying Lobox. After termination, Lobox is not obligated to disable the business page. Lobox may terminate this agreement by disabling the business page and notifying at least one administrator or the organization in another manner.


Lobox makes no representations or warranties concerning the business services. To the extent permitted by law, Lobox disclaims all implied or statutory warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, and suitability. No party will be liable to the other for any lost profits or business opportunities, data loss, or for indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or punitive damages in connection with the agreement. Lobox will not be liable for amounts exceeding 1000 USD related to the business services to the broadest extent permitted by law. Limitations of liability do not apply to fraud, gross negligence, deliberate misconduct, or liability for death or personal injury.


The parties agree that the laws of the State of Florida, USA, will exclusively govern any disputes arising out of or related to this agreement or the services, excluding the rules of conflict of laws. Additionally, the parties consent that any such claims and disputes can only be litigated in the federal or state courts of Miami, Florida, USA, and hereby agree to personal jurisdiction in these courts. The parties agree that if any provision of this agreement is found to be unenforceable, the court may modify the terms to ensure enforceability. If the court is unable to make the provision enforceable, the parties may request that the court remove the unenforceable part and enforce the remainder of the agreement.

The sole agreement between the parties regarding the services provided by Lobox is this agreement and any additional terms.

If the organization takes any action related to a breach of this agreement, it does not imply that Lobox has waived its right to enforce this agreement. If this agreement is translated into a language other than English, the translation is for convenience only, and the English language version shall prevail.


The organization and administrators agree to keep their contact information up to date. Lobox may notify the organization through business services or via the contact information of one or more administrators.

For legal notices and processes, Lobox can be reached at the following addresses:


Postal address: 1250 Wigwam Parkway, Unit: 14312, Henderson, NV, 89074, USA

The organization and administrators agree that the only way to legally notify Lobox is through the specified addresses.